Getting Started with Your ePortfolio
Review your instructor’s instructions for developing an ePortfolio. The basic steps to get started are listed below, but your instructor may have other specific requirements. Depending on your class requirements, you may create some of the content for the portfolio in class and some on your own.
Set up your WordPress account and ePortfolio template. Set up instructions can be found at Montgomery College’s ePortfolio Resources site. This resource site also includes a sample ePortfolio with the pages listed in the steps below. Click the links to see examples of those pages.
Next you should set up your My Goals page. Your goals should include your Academic goals, your Personal goals, and your Career goals.
Set up your My Course Work page, which will include your program requirements. If your instructor requires a specific Course Page for your class, you will set this up as a sub-page of the My Course Work page. Click Here to see an example of what might be included on a course-sub page