Our primary interest in eportfolio is that they have been shown to increase student success by:
- Stimulate deeper learning and transfer of skills and knowledge
- Give students the opportunity to be more intentional and deliberate in integrating their personal, academic, and professional goals with their learning
- Promote reflective and critical thinking as well other 21st century skills
- Give students a vehicle to articulate how their educational experience at Montgomery College prepares them for future academic and career goals
Benefits to Students
For students, eportfolios have the potential to:
- mprove learning outcomes (deep learning/synthesis/new connections/create new knowledge
- Create a cohesive learning experience across a program
- Integrate knowledge across disciplines and experiences
- Encourages ownership and engagement in educational experience
- Foster intentionality and goal setting
- Develop digital skills (digital citizenship, technical skills and digital literacy)
- Create portable, evolving record of accomplishments, skills and knowledge
- Create a holistic of student for transfer and employment
- Foster student’s ability to articulate a holistic view of their skills and knowledge

Benefits to Faculty
For faculty, eportfolios have the potential to
- Promote connection to students
- Increase student engagement
- Improve student performance
- Provide a holistic view of individual student experiences across courses and disciplines
Benefits to the Institution
For institutions, eportfolios have the potential
- Improve student learning outcomes and improve our ability to document learning
- Increase student engagement and retention
- Enhance program focus
- Support meaningful, efficient assessment
- Replicate best practices (accreditation standards)
- Demonstrate evidence of the quality of a Montgomery College learning experience
- Provide a holistic view of Montgomery College students