Use the information below to help you set up your student or faculty ePortfolio. On this page, you will find basic requirements and expectations for student ePortfolios, and you will find instructions for setting up your site using the Montgomery College WordPress template.
Faculty ePortfolios recommendations are included in the template instructions and should be guided by the purpose and use of the ePortfolio.

ePortfolio requirements and expectations
- ePortfolios structure requirements, regardless of platform, include the following pages:
- Welcome/About me Page
- Goals Page
- Coursework Page
- Individual Course Subpages
- See the Montgomery College Template for what the structure looks like.
- Instructors will provide course specific requirements for individual course pages or requirements.
- If you are in multiple courses, in one semester, that require an eportfolio, you should only create one portfolio with multiple subpages reflecting requirements for each course.
- You should come back to your ePortfolio updating the main pages and adding content to your course work page.
Manual for using the Montgomery College WordPress template
Montgomery College’s ePortfolio Manual is designed to help you get started with your ePortfolio using the open source platform. While you are not required to use WordPress for your ePortfolio, following the manual will allow you to take advantage of Montgomery College resources, including technical support.
The manual is broken up into four sections containing detailed instructions on how to:
- set up your WordPress account,
- import the Montgomery College ePortfolio template,
- customize your ePortfolio,
- and how to edit your site’s content.
Make sure you complete all the steps in each part before moving on to the next part. You may want to take some time to read through the entire manual before getting started.