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We begin 2014 with the very good news that two of our editors, Katherine Smith and Marianne Szlyk, have been published.  Poetry Editor Katherine Smith participated in Sixfold’s “writer-voted journal,” winning third place (not to mention 100 dollars) among her peers.

Associate Editor Marianne Szlyk writes that her poem, “Asparagus without Red Currants,” based on a painting by artist Adriaen Coorte, is included in In Gilded Frame,  a collection of ekphrastic poetry. Her poem, “In the High Desert, She Is No Longer an Aries,” is featured in  What’s Your Sign?, a poetry anthology inspired by astrology (Western, Chinese, Indian) and tarot. Finally,  Szlyk’s “Autobiography” has been published in The Muse, an International Journal of Poetry.



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