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There a variety of ideas for using eportfolios. The fundamental value of an eportfolio does flow from three key activities: students making choices; students reflecting on planning, process, and content, and students taking ownership of their learning.  Following are some models to consider for ways to use eportfolios as part of the pilot:

  1. Students select an assignment they feel is significant and reflect on that inclusion (open choice)
  2. Students include multiple artifacts from the course and reflect on why they selected those artifacts (open choice)
  3.  Students include multiple artifacts from the course with some self-selected and some required (moderate choice).
  4. Students include an artifact from a category selected by the instructor with either limited or no choice, and reflect on the learning that artifact represents (limited choice)
  5. Students include multiple artifacts from the course as directed by the instructor and reflect on their experience with those artifacts (no choice).
  6.  Students include multiple artifacts from the course (directed or open or both) and are encouraged to develop additional pages like a CV, accomplishments page, and/or extracurricular page (open to moderate choice).

Do you have other ideas and thoughts?  Let us know.

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