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Welcome to the Montgomery College ePortfolio Project site.

At MC, our goal for eportfolios is to encourage students, faculty, and staff to create a meaning record of their educational and professional journeys in a webspace  of their own. No matter what level of ePortfolio learning you want to explore, you will find the resources to help you develop an eportfolio or incorporate eportfolio in a class, program or activity.

sample faculty eportfolio site

What people are saying about our program

“The online eProtfolio was instrumental in the hiring process for many of our Montgomery College alumni”

Mr. Jack Jack

“I never would have found my new career without the aid of my ePortfolio. FYI, I loved working with WordPress! The Web Group at MC is awesome!”

Stacey Student

“The online eProtfolio was instrumental in the hiring process for many of our Montgomery College alumni”

Mr. Jack Jack


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